pivotal: "vitally important in determining outcome, progress or success"

"The work Sheryl has done with board members is working… it’s no longer theory but starting to be put into practice!”

Board Chairman

"Sheryl’s also very good on time. She keeps to time and covers everything off. She’s not frightened to dump stuff though – she’ll go along with what’s happening for the group and deal with whatever comes up.”

Board Chairman

"Take facilitation – I feel like I can sit down with Sheryl for 10 to 15 minutes and portray something and the results will come across [from Pivotal]. It doesn’t soak up a lot of time [talking to Pivotal] and Pivotal is very outcome-orientated. I like that about them.”

Chief Executive

“That fresh attitude…it invigorates us to do other things, to look at things differently. Sheryl pulls your head out of the sand!”

Chief Executive

“After a few years in business I was going around in circles. I just needed some new input and Sheryl was the one to give me that. What with the long hours I was working I never had time to think. I got into the same trap as I had in my earlier businesses. I sat down with Sheryl and it seemed like I could start working less hours and getting more money! I followed her advice to the ‘t’. I had been working IN my business not ON it. I couldn’t believe it!”

Business Owner

This service has qualified for the NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme, and is eligible for voucher redemption.

This service is a blend of one-to-one training and coaching.  It provides a fully customised learning opportunity for business owners and managers who want to improve their business performance through stronger leadership and more effective management of staff.  The client’s existing skill set , business priorities and staff-related challenges determine the focus for the one-to-one training.

The content  may include:

  • Essential Leadership Skills – Effective Communication; Coaching; Facilitative Leadership
  • Managing People and Performance – Performance Appraisals; Effective Monitoring of Performance; Succession Planning; Disciplinary Processes
  • Effective Recruitment  – from HR planning and appointment processes  to induction into the workplace
  • Conflict Resolution: Preventing and Addressing Conflict in the Workplace – tools and techniques
  • Supporting effective time management in your staff – Delegating effectively; Short term goal setting; Prioritising work

The format is customised to the individual business owner’s requirements.  A usual approach would be:

  • Briefing session to agree requirements (1 – 2 hours)
  • Training/coaching sessions of 1 – 2 hours duration
  • Face-to-face, telephone and email support as the client puts new learning into action – the format would depend on the preferred communication and learning style of the client

On completion of the one-to-one training & coaching it is expected that  as a business owner you will:

  • Feel increased confidence in using effective tools and techniques to select, support and manage your staff
  • Be able to take proactive steps to maintain a constructively harmonious workplace that is focused on your business priorities
  • Have practical frameworks and tools to use when issues arise between  your employees that impact negatively on your workplace effectiveness
  • Enable your employees to more effectively support you in achieving your business priorities
  • Have Quick Reference Guides for ease of use in the workplace

The duration of the one-to-one training and coaching will depend on client requirements.

Please contact us for more information

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