pivotal: "vitally important in determining outcome, progress or success"

"The work Sheryl has done with board members is working… it’s no longer theory but starting to be put into practice!”

Board Chairman

"Sheryl’s also very good on time. She keeps to time and covers everything off. She’s not frightened to dump stuff though – she’ll go along with what’s happening for the group and deal with whatever comes up.”

Board Chairman

"Take facilitation – I feel like I can sit down with Sheryl for 10 to 15 minutes and portray something and the results will come across [from Pivotal]. It doesn’t soak up a lot of time [talking to Pivotal] and Pivotal is very outcome-orientated. I like that about them.”

Chief Executive

“That fresh attitude…it invigorates us to do other things, to look at things differently. Sheryl pulls your head out of the sand!”

Chief Executive

“After a few years in business I was going around in circles. I just needed some new input and Sheryl was the one to give me that. What with the long hours I was working I never had time to think. I got into the same trap as I had in my earlier businesses. I sat down with Sheryl and it seemed like I could start working less hours and getting more money! I followed her advice to the ‘t’. I had been working IN my business not ON it. I couldn’t believe it!”

Business Owner


You are invited to respond to a Wainui/Okitu Stakeholder survey. This survey seeks to determine the level of community interest in developing a Wainui/Okitu Community Strategy.

Click here to access the Survey.

If you would like more information first, some background is provided below.

A community agreed Wainui/Okitu Community Strategy would be a powerful but non-binding document that would:

  • Provide a ‘road map’ for future Wainui/Okitu development
  • Influence GDC and other partners in their plans and decisions regarding the Wainui/Okitu communities

Sheryl Smail, Pivotal, as an independent facilitation service, has been contracted to prepare a stakeholder map:

  •   Identify key Wainui/Okitu stakeholders
  •  Determine level of interest in a Wainui/Okitu Community Strategy being developed
  • Find out how involved people want to be in developing a Community Strategy
  • Determine the level of confidence people have to work together to develop a meaningful Community Strategy
  • Find out how best to communicate with stakeholders

This survey seeks your feedback on these matters.
The survey has only 9 questions. Most require you to simply ‘click’ a box.  It can be completed in about 3 or 4 minutes.
Your response would be appreciated.
Here is a link to the survey: Click here to access the Survey.

Do encourage others who have an interest in the future development of the Wainui/Okitu Community to contribute to the survey.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Sheryl Smail Pivotal 027 478 2540   06 863 2930   sheryl@pivotal4u.com
Thanks for your participation!


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