All of these services have qualified for the NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme, and are eligible for voucher redemption.
Lean Process Improvement – 1 Day
This one-day course will give you the foundation to begin implementing Lean process improvement tools in your workplace.
We will explore the foundations of Lean through the Toyota Precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, water, variation, complexity and continuous improvement).
Lean Process Improvement – 1 Day + Coaching
This one-day course will give you the foundation to begin implementing Lean process improvement tools in your workplace.
We will explore the foundations of Lean through the Toyota Precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, water, variation, complexity and continuous improvement).
Following the workshop 3 one hour coaching sessions with the trainer are provided to support you as you put your learning into practice.
Lean Process Improvement – 2 Day
This two-day course will give participants the foundation to begin implementing Lean process improvement tools in their workplace.
The first day will explore the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement).
Lean Process Improvement – 2 Day + Coaching
This two-day course will give participants the foundation to begin implementing Lean process improvement tools in their workplace. The first day will explore the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement).
The second day will give participants tools to perform continuous improvement in their organisation, including 5S, 5W-2H, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, and various Lean data mapping methods.
Following the workshop 3 one hour coaching sessions with the trainer are provided to support you as you put your learning into practice.
Business Improvement Coaching For Managers
This blend of one-to-one training and coaching is aimed at managers who are implementing Lean or other business improvement methodologies
This coaching is aimed at staff who may have completed Lean training and are dealing with implementing what they have learnt.
pivotal: "vitally important in determining outcome, progress or success"